Sport Premium

The Sport Premium is money provided to the school to improve the quality of PE and Sport for all children.

At West Earlham Junior we believe a healthy lifestyle is essential for our children now, and in their future lives. We want children to enjoy becoming more fit and healthy through a variety of PE and competitive sport.

Our sport premium money has been invested to benefit all the children at West Earlham.

Our Key Objective in using our Sport Premium funding is to provide lasting improvement to PE and Sport provision. We have focussed on improving teacher skill and quality of the equipment available to all our children so that everyone will gain through better teaching and resources.

We continue to work with many of our partners in the community, such as the Cluster School Sports Partnership, The Garage and Norwich School to provide these opportunities.

Sport Premium Report 2022-23

WEJS Primary PE And Sport Premium 2024 Report


West Earlham Junior School
Scarnell Road, Norwich NR5 8HT

Telephone: 01603 454569

Headteacher: Mrs Catrin Eyers
School Business Manager: Mrs Beverley Savage