
"The sense of community on the school is very strong."

OfSTED September 2019

Paper copies of these policies are available from the school office free of charge.

Accessibility Plan
25th April 2024
Addition and subtraction calculation policy 2022
27th January 2023
Anti-Bullying Policy
17th January 2023
Attendance Policy
24th April 2024
Behaviour Policy
16th November 2022
Charging and Refunds Policy
3rd March 2022
Collective Worship Policy
3rd August 2022
Complaints Policy
24th April 2024
Data Protection Policy
10th December 2021
Design & Technology Policy
12th September 2019
Equality Objectives
19th July 2023
Equality Scheme
15th July 2019
Freedom of Information Policy
19th June 2024
Health & Safety Policy
19th June 2024
Home School Agreement
24th April 2024
Maths Policy
15th December 2021
Mental Health and Wellbeing Policy
14th September 2022
Multiplication and Division calculation policy 2022
27th January 2023
Online Safety Policy
13th September 2022
PSHE Policy
19th June 2024
Publication Scheme
19th June 2024
Pupil Premium Policy
11th December 2019
Safeguarding Policy
13th September 2022
Science Policy
12th December 2021
Special Educational Needs (SEN) Policy
24th April 2024
Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Education Policy
11th December 2019
Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions Policy
24th April 2024

    West Earlham Junior School
    Scarnell Road, Norwich NR5 8HT

    Telephone: 01603 454569
    Email: office@westearlhamjunior.norfolk.sch.uk

    Headteacher: Mrs Catrin Eyers
    School Business Manager: Mrs Beverley Savage